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030495. remember the date, its very important.
oh, and my name is also celestine. im such a LOSER! YAY!:D
♥♥♥ Love &


this is my previous blog! if you want my email ask me! and i know everybody wants my email!


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Tuesday, May 11, 2010
8:48 PM
or, you can continue visiting a dead blog(:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
8:43 PM
hmm, long time no blog.. HAHAHAHAHA. well, ignore that last post. i was really mad at lots of ppl then. okay, not lots luh. just one or two.. HEHE:B ohwell, lets update on the past few dates shall we?

so, have been sneaking back to school to do art.. and we are so not finished. go lots more to do! the clay isn;t working, keeps breaking off according to algae, so we must try using sth else. wire or thread maybe? going back to school tmr to do as much as we can before the start of school!!!

oh oh, did cip at sdt with sec3s and 2s. HAHAHAHAHA:D we had to just help out and follow the kids.. didn't really do much i guess. but i think we did have fun... no pics apparently. the person didn't allow natasha to take. but there is some pics... hmm.. i shall go ask natasha for it later.. having cip on thursday too!!! with the ipw grp. oh no! means i'll be seeing algae again!!!! WAAAH! and on fri to! we are having dance prac! that loser!!! HAHAHAHAHA.

last fiiday had cip at jurong safra. sure took a long long time to reach home. it was very fun! we kinda played more than we worked. there were these long long yellow slides where we have to where these sleeves before we can slide. and there was emily! i took a slide down with her and she got "slide-burn". she left with a wound! im so sorry! cause she was quite heavy and we ended up with our body in contact with the slide when we slid down. there was lots of friction so it hurts. even until now. but still, we had lots of fun! and there was jeremy too. calling me dumb everytime he sees e when we;re working. hmm, the place was called kids maze i think. a great place for celestine! HAHAHAHAHAHA. when i get the pics from yixin, i shall post it too..

well well, i've been reading HATTY POTEER for the last few days. and im alrd at the 4th book! isn;t that fast?!! i know im very fast! HAHAHAHA. oh, and that is the reason why im always getting scolded too! but i wanna remember the story before the next movie comesup! i can;t remember the story at all!

and GREAT NEWS! i have finally finished ALL my homework! except CHINESE! RAWR! i don;t wanna do! 2 jian bao and 2 zuo wen. cheena really sucks!:/ trying my best now though.. hols is really ending.. well good things doesn't last forever.. mummy promised a sims3 in dec. im really looking forward to it:D

okay, shall stop here to do some work for now. shall post bintan pics next! wanna show my elephant pics which im sure is much much better than celestine's giraffe! HAHAHAHAHA:D
and she owes me letter!!! GRR!

let me say goodluck to my self before i leave.
goodluck to myself before i leave.

Monday, June 15, 2009
11:24 PM
for someone, if you have the courage, then do what your heart tells you to.

butterfly fly away
Saturday, June 13, 2009
6:39 PM
i think this is really an awesome song! nice and sweet! (like me:D)

You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that
Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back
You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be
And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me
Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true
Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away

Friday, June 12, 2009
10:07 PM
im back from bintan in wed! but shall not post stuffs of it now! aybe in the next post with lots of PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKTURESSSSSSSS!!!!!!

okay, im here to promote SUYU's blogshop!
do support! stuffs there quite nice so yupps!

hmm, i wanna wish nicole a FAST RECOVERY! she;s having chicken pox so get well soon kays?!!!! faster be over and done with quaranteeing!

that brings me back to the topic of, WE GOT INTO THE FINALS OF THE GREEN DANCE!! OMG! damn sian luh! i mean like, i;d rather not get in, besides, we screwed alot!:/ nvm. since we've come so far, we must JIAYOU! must think of a date we can meet up. ohya, dancers, celestine, xinyun and jolene sends their congrats and goodlucks. yupps.

okay, i just finished a science paper! and i wanna thank ALGAE! thankyou for helping me! though i didn't really refer.. i did it first then double check and surprisingly, my answers aren't too far off yours! though, i must really start revising!!!! the words were almost alien to me!!!

alrights, i wanna go watch hannah montana the movie again! and dance subaru! (all thanks to yingyi cause she keeps saying how nice the show is!!!!) but apparently, im broke! tsk! left like $7 !!! i don;t know how i spent my money but i really need to start controlling! i started off at $50!!! hais..

and i must still get presents for upcoming birthdays! i am going to start making cards when im done with ALL my homework(which is not humanly possible, for me, that is). got lots to do!!!! really, i must start doing some soul searching! whats wrong with me! all i ever think of is shpping and playing and holidaying!!! im so not self disciplined! ohwait, there's nothing wrong with me! there's always nothing wrong with me! im perfectly normal! okay, i think im siao now.

lets talk about events that have been happening then. since i've come back from bintan, life has been boring! first, i suffer from sunburnt! yes, im quite tanned, compared to my usual white self. i think its worth the pain luh. its nice being dark once in awhile. though im quite sure the tan will wear off in a weeks time. my skin turns back colour really fast! secondly, i've been going back to school for art these few days. i admit, its nice returning back to schools and seeing my friends again! its nice going crazy with algae and yixin! HAHAHAHAH:D yesterday, algae and i went out to buy clay but returned with nata de coco! grape flavour! yumyum! HAHAHAHAAH:D then today we went all the way to toa payoh to buy clay at popular. went to yakun and spent the rest of our meagre amount of money! so wasted! algae's fault! don;t look at me! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA:B made some weird looking, distorted ballrina with teh clay and painted the floating island! stupid natasha thought it was some volcano thing! that slacker who only sketched while the rest were painting!

oh, that reminds me! there's this sec3 who looks like HER! from the back and side view ! in the same cca too! so cool!!! HAHAHAHAH:D she's in the art stream too! saw her today and yesterday in the art room:D that also reminds me, estaline came to school today but i didn;t see her! ohwell, at least yingyi and suyu did! GRRR! i saw her good friend though! the vice cap! :D

and i really wanna kill LINGYI for that too!!!! stupid pokpok!!! you let the whole world know by tagging what you tagged on celestine's blog!!!!! i wanna SLAUGHTERRRR youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!RAWR! when i see you, you're going DOWN!! and so is celestine! cause its your blog! i demand you to take it down immediately! like NOW NOW NOWWWWWWWW!!!! >:/ (this is supposed to be an angry face.)

okay, wanna go watch my show now! bye bye!!!:D

Thursday, June 4, 2009
8:07 PM
i haven;t finished my previous post. OOPS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA:D after 'studying' we went fir the movie. then we bought pop corn, a large one which we couldn't even finish! her fault luh! we were fighting for the sweet popcorn. HAHAHAHA. so funny luh. then got one part of the show the person drop some stuff. then celestine also dropped the box of popcorn! so LOSERR!!! then we started throwing popcorn at each other. tsk. so dirty! HAHAHAHAHA:D

okay,okay. thats all! im gonna watch boys over flower now! HAHAHAHAH:D i need to watch finish the episode before returning the disc back tmr.

the cute guy is very cute. the junbiao is very ugly!! and so is the rest! though i like junhou's character. okay!

watching in progress!!!! MUA!<3

6:23 PM
celestine is shitting now. HAHAHAHAHAHA:D and im definitely not missing her. okay, so we went to watch hannah montana the movie together. its quite goood. i love the show. i think everyone should go watch it. its very nice:D i love the song the climb, and that caterpillar one. so cool. i shall go find the lyrics later.

okay, so we met at tampines mrt station at 11am, supposedly. celestine was late by 10 min!!!!! still say she's on time. tsk, obviously she can't read time. so we went to tampines mall to buy the tickets first. 2.25pm one. we didn;t have safra card or hsbc so our tickets costs $8.50! waste my money! no luh, quite worth it. HAHAHAHA:D

went over to jco to study.. did science and maths paper. a little bit. okay, a very little bit. HAHAHAHAHA.. celestine's no better. she just did half a page of notes. HAHAHAAH. scroll down to see more. okay, see the pictures first.

unglam!!! she's always unglam. tsk:/

eeyer! so dark. thats me! at least i look more glam! :D

i forgot what she was doing.

ohno! she's back!!!! HAHAHAHAAH!!! this is her notes, btw.

for the first time, she;s so hardworking! this picture is wrongly rotated. oops. i forgot to roteate. ohwell, can see can alrd... :/

and i rock! of course!!!! B)

wrote this on the tissue paper. black is written by celestine. so terrible right? the handwriting. HAHAHAHA:D so big and humongous! the green is written by me. and the red too. i think if you wanna read what it rights, you must double click on the picture so you can see it bigger. HAHAHAHA:D

there's another tissue paper which contains stuff which is not meant for the eyes! but im in grave danger cause celestine has it! she can blackmail me anytime!!!! so im sooooo DEAD!!!!
now she's threatening me!!! she posted it on her blog!!!! some weird weird blog! and she put it as her dp!!!! SHITTTT!!!! im SOOOOOOOOO DEADDDD!!!! someone help me!!!!! hur hur hur:/
ok, shall stop here! need to go eat. BYE!):